What Sets a Caravan Dealership Apart?

MitchCap is a recognised financier in Australia and New Zealand, known for supporting various types of dealerships, including those for bicycles, boats, and agricultural, lawn, and garden equipment.

We also hold a significant position in the motorcycle dealership industry. Intriguingly, car dealerships are not part of our portfolio, even though many of our staff are car enthusiasts. You might wonder why.

This comes down to our area of expertise. Operating a caravan dealership is vastly different from running a car dealership.

In fact, a caravan dealership has more in common with a luxury home builder than a car dealer. Customers aren’t just purchasing a means of transportation; they’re investing in a mobile vacation home or possibly their main dwelling.

A visit to a caravan dealership is more like a stroll through a housing display village.

You have the opportunity to explore various models, tailor your selection to fit your lifestyle, and choose from a range of features like colour schemes, bathroom layouts, and the positioning of the master bed.

The experience is a far cry from the typical ‘see car, buy car’ approach prevalent in the auto industry.

The financial aspect is also distinct.

Manufacturers require confidence that the dealer can pay upon delivery, which typically happens 90-120 days post-order. The dealer, on the other hand, needs the manufacturer to deliver the specified product within budget.

Conversely, the dealer needs the manufacturer to deliver the specified product within budget.

The customer, often with a holiday road trip in mind, wants their dream caravan built to their specifications and delivered on time. MitchCap facilitates this entire process, providing necessary funding from the factory to the dealer and ultimately to the customer.

This requires a level of expertise that we take pride in offering.

Chris Polites, the CEO of New Age Caravans, stands as a prominent figure in the caravan industries of Australia and New Zealand.

With a successful career spanning both the car and caravan sectors, he provides unparalleled insights into the distinct characteristics of these industries.

– Chris Polites

Every dealership, whether it’s for boats, caravans, motorcycles, bicycles, or agricultural equipment, sells equipment. However, understanding their operations calls for a more in-depth exploration. Each one is a unique specialist business; many remain family-owned and independent in Australia. At MitchCap, we take immense pride in supporting these businesses.

Join us at MitchCap, where we celebrate and nurture the diversity and independence of these specialist businesses.

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The MitchMarket Finance platform is expertly crafted to identify the most suitable loan package available in today’s market. With a focus on complete transparency.
Our MitchMarket marketplace connects our dealer’s consumers to readily available recreational vehicles and equipment.
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MitchCap is the leading Non-Bank Distribution Finance Lender in Australia. We provide the funding and the technology that connects the distribution channel.